Monday, October 22, 2012

lets talk about more cosplay

i know i have been missing something and it has been nagging at my brain for a very long time now. i forgot one of the best cosplay categories of them all 

one of the more westernized cosplay but it is still great. it sort of combines future with the past. like picture the wizard of OZ tin man but in brass with a lot of chains and especially clocks. when i say clocks i don't not only mean pocket watches but the actual gears of the watch are very important. the most dominant colors in steam punk are black, brown and red but their are many other colors that people fantastically pull off. 

i believe that they call it steam punk because i sort 
of goes to the time
 where the steam engine was invented

for reference i would watch the movie "Steam Boy" probubly the coolest steam punk anime i have ever seen.

here are some cool pictures

Thursday, October 11, 2012

52nd All Japan Plamodel Hobby Show

to the left is a case of white out

      From October 8 to October 11 is the hobby product focused 52nd annual All-Japan Plamodel Hobby Show. Some companies attending include Kotobukiya, WAVE and Bandai. Its basically Dolls for really crazy fanatic people. this is the one event where you'll find that the majority of the population are fanboys.
      Lots of new releases of models where there including releases of anime models of course ,but i personally love the robots it's like transformers are 2003 Word compared to 2010 Word of Japan!! There's these two big companies that goes to the event practically every year. their names are Gundam and Gunjap. they rock!!
i wish i could buy this but in reality this rare beauty is around 1,000 dollars or even more

Sunday, October 7, 2012

In the meeting when i am not present

In next meeting we will be going over the j- fashion post everybody!!!

things that we also need to go over is...

    • the j fashion show
      • we need to have a set date established or estimated and judges asinged. i would like to be in charge of kawaii, decora or visual k
    • i want the judges and brainstorms emailed to me at once, that job should be assigned to the secretary of the club.
    • i also want people to post on the fundraising idea post and get ideas to the point where we can make progress in the next meeting.
    • for dates of the fashion show we should warn students ahead of time so they have time to get their costumes ready and we should have a sign up sheet for people who want to be in the show. whether you guys want their to be an entry fee is up to you but it would give use less money to fundrais.
    • for the vice president  tell members about the website and you must run the meeting. i fi get word that there was no meeting i will be angry. 
    • you guys should also go over where you want the fashion show to be AND WHAT MUSIC YOU WANT TO BE PLAYED. i recommend some vocaliod music myself