Sunday, October 7, 2012

In the meeting when i am not present

In next meeting we will be going over the j- fashion post everybody!!!

things that we also need to go over is...

    • the j fashion show
      • we need to have a set date established or estimated and judges asinged. i would like to be in charge of kawaii, decora or visual k
    • i want the judges and brainstorms emailed to me at once, that job should be assigned to the secretary of the club.
    • i also want people to post on the fundraising idea post and get ideas to the point where we can make progress in the next meeting.
    • for dates of the fashion show we should warn students ahead of time so they have time to get their costumes ready and we should have a sign up sheet for people who want to be in the show. whether you guys want their to be an entry fee is up to you but it would give use less money to fundrais.
    • for the vice president  tell members about the website and you must run the meeting. i fi get word that there was no meeting i will be angry. 
    • you guys should also go over where you want the fashion show to be AND WHAT MUSIC YOU WANT TO BE PLAYED. i recommend some vocaliod music myself 


  1. Argghhh Im sooooo sorry I totally was focusing on like nerd things like being Jamie and legitamately Jamie that I forgot about the existence of this blog. I should probably check more often...

  2. Also..... Why does that girl screaming with her mouth open appear to suspiciously look like me when I'm stressed out?!?! ( I mean, she's got bangs and everything....)
